Exceptional topology of non-Hermitian systems

EJ Bergholtz, JC Budich, FK Kunst - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
The current understanding of the role of topology in non-Hermitian (NH) systems and its far-
reaching physical consequences observable in a range of dissipative settings are reviewed …

Wave chaos in acoustics and elasticity

G Tanner, N Søndergaard - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
Interpreting wave phenomena in terms of an underlying ray dynamics adds a new
dimension to the analysis of linear wave equations. Forming explicit connections between …

Fractal Weyl laws for chaotic open systems

WT Lu, S Sridhar, M Zworski - Physical review letters, 2003 - APS
We present a conjecture relating the density of quantum resonances for an open chaotic
system to the fractal dimension of the associated classical repeller. Mathematical arguments …

Liouvillian-gap analysis of open quantum many-body systems in the weak dissipation limit

T Mori - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Recent experiments have reported that novel physics emerge in open quantum many-body
systems due to an interplay of interactions and dissipation, which stimulate theoretical …

Classical wave experiments on chaotic scattering

U Kuhl, HJ Stöckmann, R Weaver - Journal of Physics A …, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
We review recent research on the transport properties of classical waves through chaotic
systems with special emphasis on microwaves and sound waves. Inasmuch as these …

Weyl asymptotics: from closed to open systems

A Potzuweit, T Weich, S Barkhofen, U Kuhl… - Physical Review E …, 2012 - APS
We present microwave experiments on the symmetry reduced five-disk billiard studying the
transition from a closed to an open system. The measured microwave reflection signal is …

Wave function scarring in open quantum dots: A microwave-billiard analog study

YH Kim, M Barth, HJ Stöckmann, JP Bird - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
We study the wave functions and transmission properties of an open microwave cavity in the
frequency range of 1–17 GHz. The transmission of microwaves between the input and …

Resonance states of the three-disk scattering system

JR Schmidt, R Ketzmerick - New Journal of Physics, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
For the paradigmatic three-disk scattering system, we confirm a recent conjecture for open
chaotic systems, which claims that resonance states are composed of two factors. In …

Directional emission of stadium-shaped microlasers

M Lebental, JS Lauret, J Zyss, C Schmit… - Physical Review A …, 2007 - APS
The far-field emission of two-dimensional stadium-shaped dielectric cavities is investigated.
Microlasers with such shape present a highly directional emission. We provide experimental …

Fraudulent white noise: Flat power spectra belie arbitrarily complex processes

PM Riechers, JP Crutchfield - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
Power spectral densities are a common, convenient, and powerful way to analyze signals,
so much so that they are now broadly deployed across the sciences and engineering—from …