Creativity is part of 21 st century skills so it needs to be had by students. Therefore, the study was conducted to identify the creativity of students who take Microbiology lectures on …
Life in the 21 st century requires a variety of skills that must be mastered by everone. Achieving 21 st century skills is done by updating the quality of learning, one of which is …
Penelitian mengembangkan program pembelajaran Biologi Terapan menggunakan pendekatan sciencetechnology-religion-engineering-arts-mathematics (STREAM) yang …
This study aims to develop STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) integrated thematic learning material with the context of the ring solar eclipse …
This study aims to develop STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) integrated thematic learning material with the context of the ring solar eclipse …
[引用][C]Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Terintegrasi STREAM (Science, Teknologi. Religi, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Dalam Bentuk Buku Aktifitas Untuk Siswa …