Cinephilia, stars, and film festivals

L Czach - Cinema Journal, 2010 - JSTOR
Since the publication of Susan Sontag's 1996 essay" The Decay of Cinema," cinephilia has
reemerged as a subject of some de bate and consideration in film studies. 1 Woven through …

Reflections on the recent cinephilia debates

M De Valck - Cinema Journal, 2010 - JSTOR
by Marijke de Valck Much has been said about the death of cinema. In media indus try
circles the persistent decline in cinema attendance has ush ered in a phase of serious …

[图书][B] Haunted by reality: toward a feminist study of documentary film: indexicality, vision and the artifice

D Olivieri - 2012 -
The degree to which the social world determines the cinematic image of it is the degree to
which it can be transformative of that same world. The source of the awesome magic, its …

On the Work of the Double in Christopher Nolan's The Prestige

KD Tembo - The Cinema of Christopher Nolan: Imagining the …, 2015 -
Kwasu David Tembo the cinema of christopher nolan 202 2013, 2014), this essay will
examine Nolan's use of the double in The Prestige (2006) to explore the concepts of identity …

A theory of agitation, or: Getting off in the cinema

A Martin - Continuum, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Beginning from an observation about the narrative structure of some recent works within the
film festival and art-house phenomenon of 'contemplative cinema', this essay proceeds to …

[图书][B] Posthumanismo, medios, arte, robótica

A Saab - 2023 -
Considero la disertación del profesor Saab una contribución decisiva a los estudios
sociales en general y al papel que desempeñan los medios de comunicación en Colombia …

Dutch television studies and the reinvention of television as a medium in practice

B Hagedoorn - Critical Studies in Television, 2021 -
Dutch research communities were introduced to anglophone Media and Cultural Studies via
internationally renowned, pioneering studies in television theory and research on television …

Un impero cinematografico. Il documentario in Africa orientale italiana (1935-1941)

G Fidotta - 2016 -
A partire dalla metà degli anni Trenta, in coincidenza con il rafforzamento istituzionale e
sistematico della produzione cinematografica, il documentario di ambientazione" coloniale" …

Body, Space, Interaction: Embodiment, Narrative, and the Digitization of Media

JD Buell - 2017 -
This dissertation examines the process of digitization within contemporary media, and
outlines an initial taxonomy of digitization's impacts on media technologies and human …

Sound Corporeality and Multidirectional Acousmatic Music in Mathieu Kassovitz's La Haine

V Dima - JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 2022 -
This article explores the sound and music of Mathieu Kassovitz's La Haine (Hate, 1995),
focusing especially on an aural and narrative turning point: DJ Cut Killer's cameo. A …