When a quantum system undergoes slow changes, the evolution of its state depends only on the corresponding trajectory in Hilbert space. This phenomenon, known as quantum …
Non-Abelian gauge fields emerge naturally in the description of adiabatically evolving quantum systems having degenerate levels. Here we show that they also play a role in …
Holonomic quantum computing functions by transporting an adiabatically degenerate manifold of computational states around a closed loop in a control-parameter space; this …
Holonomic quantum computing (HQC) functions by transporting an adiabatically degenerate manifold of computational states around a closed loop in a control-parameter space; this …
Photonic circuits find applications in biomedicine, manufacturing, quantum computing and communications. Photonic waveguides are crucial components, typically having cross …
We construct a unified operator framework for quantum holonomies generated from bosonic systems. For a system whose Hamiltonian is bilinear in the creation and annihilation …
Realizing deterministic, high-fidelity entangling interactions--of the kind that can be utilized for efficient quantum information processing--between photons remains an elusive goal …
When a quantum state traverses a path, while being under the influence of a gauge potential, it acquires a geometric phase that is often more than just a scalar quantity. The …
The generation of non-Abelian geometric phases from a system of evanescently coupled waveguides is considered within the framework of nonorthogonal coupled-mode theory …