C Cosma - Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Male graves containing earrings and beads dated in the 7th–8th centuries were discovered in Transylvania at Gâmbaș, Sâncrai, Teiuș, Șpălnaca, Unirea 2/Veresmort. The earrings …
The study of human skeletal remains is a fundamental aspect of understanding human history. Skeletal remains provide information aiding in the reconstruction of the behaviour …
In 2015 the Department of Archaeology at the University of Zadar, during one of the campaigns at site Pakoštane–Crkvina, detected a new archaeological site just outside the …
The children's graves from the cemetery at Apulum-Dealul Furcilor are a category of archaeological contexts that is worth studying because too little is known about the funerary …
I TALABÉR - Marisia. Archaeologia, Historia, Patrimonium, 2020 - ceeol.com
Roman military sites are amongst the best researched in the province of Dacia, most of the jewellery from the province we know so far is from a military context. This study is intended to …
D Katie - Buletinul Cercurilor Științifice Studențești, 2020 - ceeol.com
From Roman Dacia we have data published from the systematic or partial research of c. 53 necropolises or funerary sites. The degree and scope of information varies across these …
Research of the Sarmatian tribes migrated from the steppe belt of today Ukraine and Russia to the Carpathian Basin began in the 1930s when Mihály Párducz started his series of the …
In the context of rapid technological evolution and ongoing changes in the business environment and public institutions, internal audit plays a significant role in ensuring …