Abstract Emotions in Agent and Multi-Agent Systems change their behaviour to a more'natural'way of performing tasks thus increasing believability. This has various …
Evacuation Simulation is recognised as an important tool for assessing design choices for urban areas. Although a number of approaches have been introduced, it is widely …
In the context of an Intelligent Agents course, we have chosen NetLogo as the means to satisfy the students' demand for hands-on practice, to help them understand at a deeper …
Targeted drug delivery with the use of nanorobots, a yet mostly theoretical but very promising future concept, is anticipated to become a significant ally in cancer treatment. The …
This work presents an approach to agent-based simulation development using formal modelling, ie stream X-Machines, that combines the power of executable specifications and …
Artificial Agents infused with emotions have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Many domain areas require agents to be able to demonstrate an emotional reaction to …
Regular language inference, initiated by Angluin, has many developments, including applications in software engineering and testing. However, the capability of finite automata …
Mobile membranes represent a model of computation inspired from the biological movement provided by endocytosis and exocytosis in the living cells. This paper presents a survey of …
Kernel P systems have been introduced with the aim of unifying different variants of P systems. They provide a coherent framework for specifying and solving a broad spectrum of …