Abstract Lake Matano (2° 29.1′ S 121° 20′ E) in central Sulawesi, the deepest and one of the largest lakes in Indonesia, provides an excellent opportunity to reconstruct long-term …
Spatial interpolation widely is used to predict rainfall in ungauged location. There are two methods of spatial interpolation, deterministic method such as Inverse Distance Weighting …
Merging is an estimation technique used to improve the accuracy of rainfall predictions by combining two rainfall predictions. In fact, the performance of remote sensing estimates …
Radar reflectivity data are widely used in rainfall estimates for flood warning. The quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) of the radar take advantage of the relationship of …
F Renggono - Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca, 2015 - academia.edu
Cloud seeding project has been carried out in Larona watershed to enhanced the rainfall in this area. Until now the cloud seeding technology has been done by delivering the seeding …
Spatial rainfall interpolation requires a number of suitable validation samples to maintain accuracy. Generally, the larger the areas which can be predicted, the better the interpolation …
Weather Modification Process to increase the amount of rainfall can be done continuously if weather conditions are favorable and can be used to maintain the lake water level …
Fresh water resources are critical for daily human consumption. Therefore, a continuous monitoring effort over their quantity and quality is instrumental. One important model for …
Hujan merupakan faktor penting dalam upaya pengelolaan air, seperti dalam bidang pertanian. Wilayah dengan penggunaan lahan yang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian …