I Cunjak Mataković - Croatian Review of Economic, Business and …, 2019 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The financial numbers game is unfortunately alive and doing well. One of the forensic accounting techniques is based on Benford's Law and is used for the detection of …
H Jošić, B Žmuk - Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u …, 2018 - hrcak.srce.hr
This paper presents the application of Benford's law in psychological pricing detection. Benford's law is naturally occurring law which states that digits have predictable frequencies …
Sažetak Ciljevi ovog rada su: 1. Objasniti pojam poslovnih prijevara, te istražiti njihove vrste i utjecaj na poslovanje 2. Prikazati metode i vrste digitalnih tehnologija koje uočavaju i …
Sažetak Digitalna forenzika postala je ključni aspekt istrage prevara u savremenom svijetu. Jednom kada stvorimo digitalni otisak, nemoguće ga je izbrisati. Uz širenje digitalnih …
J Stanojevic, D Radojicic, V Rajic… - Hacettepe Journal of … - dergipark.org.tr
This paper studies the fundamental properties of Benford's Law which investigates the distribution of the first digits' appearance within datasets. The purpose and the usefulness of …