From about 5500 cal BC to soon after 5000 cal BC, the lifeways of the first farmers of central Europe–the LBK, after the German labels Linearbandkeramik or Linienbandkeramik–are …
Nineteenth century ideas and theoretical concepts have shaped past and current understandings of prehistory in Europe. Reflecting on research history can therefore …
R Guber - Avá. Revista de antropología, 2006 -
En este artículo ofrezco algunos materiales tendientes a relativizar el origen extradepartamental de la antropología social en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la …
This book examines the relationship between British and Spanish archaeology in the light of international geographies of knowledge. It looks at the practical aspects of the personal …
DNA and Etruscan Identity Page 1 Etruscan by Definition | 95 Introduction The question, ‘Who were the Etruscans?’ has long been a knotty problem. From Herodotus to the present day it has …
T Schneider - Journal of Egyptian History, 2012 -
The history of Egyptology in the Third Reich has never been the subject of academic analysis. This article gives a detailed overview of the biographies of Egyptologists in …
J Jennings - Latin American Antiquity, 2006 -
During the Middle Horizon (AD 600-1000), the Wari state extended its influence over much of Peru. One popular view of the Wari expansion is that the state constructed a system of …