Compacted graphite iron (CGI) is a double-phase material, in which complex graphite morphology greatly influences crack initiation and propagation. Despite its wide use and …
A multiscale graph theory-based approach is introduced here to predict the microscale crack path in polycrystalline materials. The crack path is represented as the boundary of the …
In brittle fracture applications, failure paths, regions where the failure occurs and damage statistics, are some of the key quantities of interest (QoI). High-fidelity models for brittle …
Strain analysis is an essential step in sheet forming applications to understand the deformation behaviour of the material. The strain analysis is conventionally performed by …
Single point strain analysis (SPSA) is a software developed to measure surface strains in sheet metal forming operations. For this, the images of deformed circular and square grids …
We introduce a novel computational framework designed to allow an experimentalist to extract the local toughness associated with crack growth along an individual grain boundary …
This paper provides a novel approach for mesh generation for materials that have distinct spatial components with a smooth boundary between them. Experimental data are used in …
A primary challenge in modeling polycrystalline materials under large deformation is capturing strong strain localizations, in the form of micro-scale sharp shear bands. Classical …