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Korosi didefinisikan sebagai hasil kerusakan dari reaksi kimia antara logam dengan lingkungannya. Penggunaan inhibitor merupakan salah satu cara menghambat laju korosi …
DR Indah, H Hatimah - Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan …, 2024 - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
Liquid waste originating from the silver crafts industry is heavy metal waste that is dangerous for the surrounding environment, one of which is copper (Cu). Copper is a heavy metal that …
MS Batu, R Mading, MM Kolo - Molluca Journal of Chemistry …, 2024 - ojs3.unpatti.ac.id
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai arang aktif dari tempurung buah lontar (Borassus flabellifer L.) sebagai absorben terhadap pewarna sintetik rhodamin B. Tujuan dari …
MF Tanasale, YT Male, NB Garium - Fullerene Journal of …, 2020 - indochembull.com
It has been conducted a research about the utilization waste of tofu as adsorbent of tartrazine dye. Utilization waste of tofu as adsorption because tofu contains protein which …
RIDWAN MADING. Pembuatan Arang Aktif Dari Tempurung Buah Lontar (Borassus flabellifer L.) Sebagai Adsorben Rhodamin B. Dibimbing OlehMARIA MAGDALENA KOLO …
Rhodamine.. Bbcolorant is one of the dyes present in the wastercoming from the textile/dyeingoindustry. Rhodamin B dyes found in waters can cause damage to ecosystems …