Let us consider the restricted three-body problem. Analysis of the orbital motion of a spacecraft around planets or moons is presented taking into account the nonsphericity of the …
The present paper studies the lifetime of orbits around a moon that is in orbit around its mother planet. In the context of the inner restricted three-body problem, the dynamical model …
Close polar and circular orbits are of great interest for the exploration of natural satellites. There are still no studies in the literature investigating orbits around Titania, the largest …
M Cinelli, E Ortore, C Circi, H Lei - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2023 - arc.aiaa.org
AS IS well known, the long-term dynamics of a probe around a celestial body (primary body) can be investigated by performing an average of the disturbing function, which is generally …
E Ortore, M Cinelli, C Circi - Advances in Space Research, 2023 - Elsevier
An important aspect concerning the dynamics of a probe around a natural satellite is represented by the probe lifetime. In fact, the science orbits, usually characterised by low …
S Zhao, H Lei, E Ortore, C Circi, J Liu - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical …, 2024 - Springer
It is desirable to design low-altitude and near-polar science orbits for missions to Galilean moons. However, the long-term perturbation from a distant perturber may lead such a kind of …
A Carbone, M Cinelli, C Circi, E Ortore - Celestial Mechanics and …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, the feasibility of exploiting the Sun's gravitational force to design the final phase (capture and orbit circularisation) to Mercury with a low propellant consumption has …
SECULAR perturbations caused by a third-body attractor were widely studied in the past. In the 1960s, Lidov and Kozai described the mathematical model for the orbital evolution of a …
An analysis of the orbital motion of artificial satellites around Mercury is presented taking into account its non-sphericity (J 2, J 3, C 22) and the perturbation of the third body. The …