Aspects of the reproductive biology of male and female Agkistrodon piscivorus are described using histological techniques, reviewed, and compared with historical data on A …
The intent of this chapter is to review the major morphological data on the architecture of the testis, the histological ontogeny of spermatogenesis, and the ultrastructure of the mature …
The severe environments where Phymaturus lizards inhabit in the Andes highlands and in Patagonia, Argentina, impose restrictions on their reproduction, offering a framework for the …
Biometrical and histometrical observations were carried out on the testis and epididymis of twenty five adult African sideneck turtles (Pelusios castaneus) with a view to providing basic …
To date multiple studies exist that examine the morphology of spermatozoa. However, there are limited numbers of data detailing the ontogenic characters of spermiogenesis within …
Rheubert, JL, Wilson, BS, Wolf, KW and Gribbins, KM 2010. Ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis in the Jamaican Gray Anole, Anolis lineatopus (Reptilia: Polychrotidae) …
A Pewhom, A Vanikasampanna - Trends in Sciences, 2024 -
The Banded krait is a species of venomous snakes that ranks among the top 5 in Thailand, with a significance role as a predator for controlling other animals. Despite numerous …
En este artículo, se describe la anatomía macroscópica y microscópica del sistema urogenital de la tortuga sabanera Podocnemis vogli (Testudines Pelomedusidae), para tal …
Testicular samples were collected at the peak of spermiogenesis from African sideneck turtles (n= 10)(Pelusios castaneus) to describe the ultrastructural features of the Sertoli cell …