AM Halawa - Jurnal Shanan, 2021 -
In the learning process the teacher needs a method as a means, a technique for conveying material and achieving the learning objectives itself. The scramble method is on of …
Kekristenan telah hidup selama berabad-abad lamanya, dan sudah memberi kontribusi yang signifikan bagi peradaban umat manusia. Terdapat keyakinan dogmatis yang perlu …
Buku ini memuat kajian Pendidikan Agama Kristen, khususnya di bidang Evaluasi Pendidikan terhadap permasalahan stunting yang dialami oleh warga jemaat Gereja …
JM Haning, N Neno, SR Paparang - Jurnal Christian Humaniora, 2023 -
Berbagai penyimpangan yang terjadi pada masa sekarang telah mempengaruhi kehidupan umat manusia secara luas, seperti perilaku-perilaku intoleransi yang masih dianut oleh …
S Antang, D Jura - Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International …, 2022 -
Abstract Christians understand Christian Education as a conscious, systematic, and continuous effort based on the Bible as the main source centered on Christ and fully …
V Talumepa, D Jura - Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International …, 2022 -
The Silian village community belongs to the Toundanou sub-ethnic, Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Since ancient times, the people of Silian village have a tradition that has been …
NO Tuegeh, DW Kansil, D Jura - 2021 -
This study aims to analyze the influence of Friedrich Schleiermacher's thoughts on Christian theology and its relation to Christian education. The method used in this research is …
The Covid-19 pandemic as a global disaster has become a terrorizing monster and instantly become the factor that changes the centuries-old global's order. In an instant, everything …
The use of crocodile bread is very important as part of the offerings at the Betawi traditional wedding ceremony. The'Seserahan'event is a series that must exist at the wedding where …