The decline of A fro‐P alaearctic migrants and an assessment of potential causes

JA Vickery, SR Ewing, KW Smith, DJ Pain, F Bairlein… - Ibis, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
There is compelling evidence that A fro‐P alaearctic (A‐P) migrant bird populations have
declined in E urope in recent decades, often to a greater degree than resident or short …

Pesticide impacts on avian species with special reference to farmland birds: a review

J Moreau, J Rabdeau, I Badenhausser… - Environmental …, 2022 - Springer
For decades, we have observed a major biodiversity crisis impacting all taxa. Avian species
have been particularly well monitored over the long term, documenting their declines. In …

Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests

SJK Frey, AS Hadley, SL Johnson, M Schulze… - Science …, 2016 -
Climate change is predicted to cause widespread declines in biodiversity, but these
predictions are derived from coarse-resolution climate models applied at global scales …

Avian population consequences of climate change are most severe for long-distance migrants in seasonal habitats

C Both, CAM Van Turnhout… - … of the Royal …, 2010 -
One consequence of climate change is an increasing mismatch between timing of food
requirements and food availability. Such a mismatch is primarily expected in avian long …

Distribution of specialist and generalist species along spatial gradients of habitat disturbance and fragmentation

V Devictor, R Julliard, F Jiguet - Oikos, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, we tested whether the spatial distribution of a given species in more or less
fragmented and disturbed landscapes depends on the species habitat specialization. We …

Populations of migratory bird species that did not show a phenological response to climate change are declining

AP Møller, D Rubolini… - Proceedings of the …, 2008 - National Acad Sciences
Recent rapid climatic changes are associated with dramatic changes in phenology of plants
and animals, with optimal timing of reproduction advancing considerably in the northern …

Effects of climate-induced coral bleaching on coral-reef fishes—ecological and economic consequences

MS Pratchett, PL Munday, SK Wilson… - … and marine biology, 2008 -
Global climate change is having devastating effects on habitat structure in coralreef
ecosystems owing to extreme environmental sensitivities and consequent bleaching of …

Wild bird indicators: using composite population trends of birds as measures of environmental health

RD Gregory, A van Strien - Ornithological Science, 2010 -
World leaders have set global and regional targets to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by
2010, and their relative success, or failure, in meeting these aims will be measured against a …

Coral-associated invertebrates: diversity, ecological importance and vulnerability to disturbance

R Gibson, R Atkinson, J Gordon… - … and Marine Biology; …, 2011 -
The biodiversity of coral reefs is dominated by invertebrates. Many of these invertebrates live
in close association with scleractinian corals, relying on corals for food, habitat or settlement …

Habitat loss, resource specialization, and extinction on coral reefs

PL Munday - Global Change Biology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Coral reefs worldwide are being degraded because of global warming (coral bleaching) and
coastal development (sedimentation and eutrophication). Predicting the risk of species …