KJ Aprely, S Misfadhila, R Asra - EAS J. Pharm. Pharmacol, 2021 - easpublisher.com
Indonesia is known as one of the countries that has a wealth of natural resources that can be used as herbal medicines. One of them is (Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb). Gambir has been …
lesi aterosklerosis pada kasus peningkatan kadar kolesterol, LDL, dan trigliserida. Gambir bersifat higroskopis sehingga untuk meningkatkan kestabilannya dibuat tablet salut selaput …
The widespread usage of traditional medicine either in the developed or developing countries, makes traditional medicine requirements become a major concern in terms of …
Isolasi senyawa katekin dari gambir telah dilakukan. Gambir yang telah dihaluskan diekstrak dengan metoda rekristalisasi menggunakan pelarut etil asetat, heksan, dan …