M Naum - … Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT The Hanseatic League, a late medieval merchant association with roots in northern German towns, is credited with the establishment of extensive economic and …
K Põder - Baltic Journal of Economics, 2010 - ceeol.com
This paper contributes to the ongoing debate of institutional research in economics and the methodological debate over the plausibility of using analytic narratives, in social sciences in …
R Rammo - Eesti Arheoloogia Ajakiri, 2016 - ceeol.com
Thanks to favourable preservation conditions, thousands of textile fragments dating from the medieval and modern era have been found in Tartu cesspits. These fragments mostly …
As the saying goes,“what you see is what you get” and if there ever was a period in history that could use this as its slogan, it would without doubt be the early modern period. Ideally …
Abstract Pajur, A. 2020. Dress Matters. Clothes and Social Order in Tallinn, 1600-1700. Studia Historica Upsaliensia 269. 279 pp. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. ISBN 978 …
A Haak - Baltic Crusades and Societal Innovation in Medieval …, 2022 - brill.com
Although the medieval town is considered an imported phenomenon in Livonia, there is also clear evidence that the towns were multi-ethnic, and a significant role both in their formation …
In northern Livonia, during the 16th and 17th centuries, hoards of jewelry and coins were buried by peasant families, who had buried their meagre wealth for safekeeping. This was a …
Tartu kesk-ja uusaegsetest jäätmekastidest–puiduga vooderdatud mitme meetri sügavustest šahtidest, mida kasutati välikäimlate lampkastidena–pärineb Eesti suurim arheoloogiliste …
EAP - Estonian Journal of Archaeology Publications ESTONIAN ACADEMY PUBLISHERS EAP logo eesti teaduste akadeemia kirjastus About Journals Archive Subscription Books …