[PDF][PDF] The impact of perfectionism trait on anxiety and academic procrasti-nation among international Saudi Arabian students studying in United States universities

N Gajendran - Indian J Sci Technol, 2020 - sciresol.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws …
Objectives: To investigate the relationship of perfectionist personality traits to anxiety traits
and academic procrastination. Also to examine the possibility of predicting trait anxiety and …

Роль перфекционизма в субъективном благополучии молодежи

Е Новгородова - Психологические исследования, 2015 - psystudy.ru
Аннотация Рассмотрена проблема перфекционизма в контексте субъективного
благополучия личности. Дан литературный обзор зарубежных исследований вклада …

[HTML][HTML] Самоуважение как медиатор связи между социально-предписанным перфекционизмом и удовлетворенностью жизнью

ЕФ Новгородова - Психолог, 2018 - e-notabene.ru
По сей день остается актуальной проблема качества жизни российской молодежи и
выявления психологических индикаторов его оптимизации. К качестве такого признака …

[图书][B] An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Perfectionism and Adverse Childhood Experiences in African American Adults

NM Beckum - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Decades of research have confirmed an association between family dysfunction, adverse
parent-child relationships, and perfectionism. However, to date, only one study has …

[PDF][PDF] On the Interrelationships of Professional Identity, Perfectionism, and Reflective Teaching of Iranian EFL Teachers

A Monabbati, A Faravani - Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020 - researchgate.net
This study was grounded by the principles and assumptions of constructivism which is the
latest learning and teaching theory. Accordingly, constructive teachers use all their skills to …

Perfectionism: The Impact of Microaggressions on African American Women

NA Jackson - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Racism and racial microaggressions are common experiences of African American women.
Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or …

Maladaptive Perfectionism, Expressive Suppression, and Familism Among Young Adult Children of Immigrants: Risk or Resilience to Suicide Ideation?

MO Odafe - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Objectives: Children of immigrants (ie, born in the US to immigrant parents or foreign-born
who migrated to the US during childhood) constitute one quarter of the US population …

[HTML][HTML] Новгородова ЕФ Самоуважение как медиатор связи между социально-предписанным перфекционизмом и удовлетворенностью жизнью//Психолог …

ЕФ Новгородова - en.e-notabene.ru
По сей день остается актуальной проблема качества жизни российской молодежи и
выявления психологических индикаторов его оптимизации. К качестве такого признака …

[图书][B] Perfectionism: Relationship With Anxiety, Academic Procrastination, and Satisfaction With Life Among International Saudi Arabian Students Studying in United …

AS Alshehri - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Recently, researchers have given increasing attention to perfectionism, describing it as"
striving for flawlessness"(Flett & Hewitt, 2002, p. 5), while also investigating the negative …

[HTML][HTML] Self-Respect as a Mediator between Socially Prescribed Perfectionism and Satisfaction with Life

ЕФ Новгородова - Психолог, 2018 - aurora-journals.com
The life quality of Russian youth and psychological indicators of improving their life quality
still remain nettlesome. One of such indicators is self-respect viewed by the author of the …