Cet article se base sur ma thèse,«Grammaire de la langue mano (mandé sud) dans une perspective typologique», soutenue à l'INALCO en 2014. Je tiens à remercier mes deux …
PM Arkadiev, J Pakerys - Voice and argument structure in Baltic, 2015 - jbe-platform.com
We analyse morphological causative verbs in Lithuanian on the basis of an annotated corpus, studying the distribution of different causative suffixes across the valency types of …
The article deals with the phenomenon of lability (ambitransitivity), in other words, the ability of a verb to be either transitive or intransitive. I analyze the historical development of verbs …
N Vaiss - Lähivőrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2022 - ceeol.com
Ülevaade. Artiklis vaadeldakse eesti vaatama-verbi ja selle vene ning ukraina vastete sihilisust. Põhieesmärk on uurida, kui regulaarsed on korpuse andmetel …
The paper is devoted to the labile verbs in the Middle Indo-Aryan languages. To begin with, the general causes of the diachronic development of lability are taken into consideration …
АЛ Макарова - Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Esse-перфект в македонском языке это аналитическая конструкция, которая состоит из глагола сум 'быть'в презенсе и пассивного причастия, согласующегося с субъектом …
M Daniel - STUF-Language Typology and Universals, 2022 - degruyter.com
In this paper, I consider double causatives in Mehweb, a one village language spoken in Daghestan, Russia, and belonging to the Dargwa branch of East Caucasian. The capability …
E Luchina - Journal of Jewish Languages, 2022 - brill.com
Languages differ in the way they code causal-noncausal alternations, in which an event is presented as either having an external causer or happening by itself. Some languages …
This paper describes the peculiar unmarked objective resultative construction in Abaza, a polysynthetic Northwest Caucasian language. I discuss the degree of similarity of this …