Inconel 718 is famous for its applications in the aerospace industry due to its inherent properties of corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high creep strength, and high hot …
M Dhananchezian - Machining Science and Technology, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
During cutting operations, cutting fluids increase heat carrying capacity from the cutting area and reduce friction at the chip-tool interface. It also offers benefits like favorable chip form …
Cooling of machining operations by liquid nitrogen is a promising approach for reducing cutting temperatures, increasing tool life and improving the workpiece surface integrity …
This paper introduces a generic model for predicting the heat transfer during cryogenic cooling in machining processes in a comprehensive way. The model is based on a flow of …
P Golda, N Lettner, R Schießl, U Maas - … Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021 - Elsevier
This work focuses on the cryogenic impingement cooling performance depending on the given inflow conditions. An experimental setup is presented which allows a detailed …
This paper presents an experimental investigation of cryogenic cooling with liquid nitrogen. A thermal imaging camera is used to measure the temperature distribution of a pre-heated …
The goal of the thesis is the identification of analytical process models for the prediction and adjustment of surface states in order to enable the controlled turning of AISI 4140. The …
НМ Грунин - Современные технологии: проблемы и перспективы, 2021 -
Во время обработки Ti-6Al-4V возникают высокие тепловые нагрузки, что требует применения передовых концепций охлаждения, таких как применение жидкого азота …
This work aims at a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that influence the performances of cryogenic milling on Ti6Al4V using high feed strategy, also comparing it …