In this paper, we analyze the high-SNR regime of the Network MISO channel in which each transmitter has access to a different channel estimate, possibly with different precision. It has …
The availability of accurate and, most importantly, shared channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) is one of the key factors that enable transmitters cooperation in …
Dans cet article*, nous étudions la transmission sans-fil de 2 transmetteurs servant conjointement 2 utilisateurs et disposant chacun d'une information de canal imparfaite et …
In the context of 5G and 5G+ mobile networks, massive multi-antenna transmission is an established technique to manage multi-user interference and improve the network …
The problem of optimally precoding over cooperative MIMO channels when the transmitters are endowed with different noisy channel state information is a long standing and …
Network cooperation is known to bring multiplicative gains under certain ideal assumptions. However, current wireless settings cope with many challenging constraints, as tight delay …
L Miretti, P de Kerret, D Gesbert - 2019 53rd Asilomar …, 2019 -
Decentralized decisional networks are composed of agents that take coordinated decisions on the basis of individual noisy information about the system state, ie under a so called …