Quantum physics has intrigued scientists and philosophers alike, because it challenges our notions of reality and locality—concepts that we have grown to rely on in our macroscopic …
Gravity is the weakest of all known fundamental forces and poses some of the most important open questions to modern physics: it remains resistant to unification within the …
GM Tino - Quantum Science and Technology, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Atom interferometers have been developed in the last three decades as new powerful tools to investigate gravity. They were used for measuring the gravity acceleration, the gravity …
Recent advances in cooling, control, and measurement of mechanical systems in the quantum regime have opened the possibility of the first direct observation of quantum …
We review both theoretical and experimental advances in the recently emerged field of modulated photonic lattices. These artificial periodic dielectric structures provide a powerful …
I review the current status of phenomenological programs inspired by quantum-spacetime research. I stress in particular the significance of results establishing that certain data …
A Bassi, A Großardt, H Ulbricht - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
We discuss effects of loss of coherence in low energy quantum systems caused by or related to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random …
This is the first volume of a set of three within the Springer Series in Optical Sciences, and is devoted to photorefractive effects, photorefractive materials, and their applications. Since the …
Presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) will be the world's brightest neutron source. As such, it has the potential for a particle physics …