Low temperature effects on photosynthesis and growth of grapevine

L Hendrickson, MC Ball, JT Wood… - Plant, Cell & …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Growth and photosynthesis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) planted on two sloping cool
climate vineyards were measured during the early growth season. At both vineyards, a small …

A new nonlinear method for calculating growing degree days

G Zhou, Q Wang - Scientific Reports, 2018 - nature.com
Precise calculations of growing degree days (GDD) are an important component in crop
simulation models and managerial decisions. Traditional methods for calculating GDD …

Cardinal temperatures for wheat leaf appearance as assessed from varied sowing dates and infrared warming

JW White, BA Kimball, GW Wall, MJ Ottman - Field Crops Research, 2012 - Elsevier
Accurate data on crop responses to temperature are essential for predicting the potential
impacts of climate extremes. Air temperature can be precisely regulated in controlled …

A soil temperature/short-wave radiation growth model for butterhead lettuce under protected cultivation in Flanders

J Salomez, G Hofman - Journal of plant nutrition, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this study was to provide Flemish greenhouse farmers an accurate growth
model for butterhead lettuce, based on two environmental parameters, ie soil temperature …

Fine-scaled optical detection of nitrogen stress in grain crops

M Reyniers, E Vrindts… - Optical …, 2004 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In site-specific management for precision farming there is a demand for sensors that can
easily monitor crop nitrogen requirements throughout the growing season with a high …

Base Temperature Comparisons for Leafing Date, Pistillate Flower Receptivity, and Pollen Shedding in Persian Walnut

G Bujdoso, A Soelimani, B Illes, D Hassani - Erwerbs-Obstbau, 2022 - Springer
Leafing dates and the male and female bloom periods in Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.)
vary with cultivars and years. Changes in phenological phases and the process of passing …

Systematisation and improvement of methodological coverage of the research of plants drought-resistance

GS Rossihina, VJ Popov - Biosystems Diversity, 2009 - cyberleninka.ru
An approach to enhancing the level of formalisation of the investigations of plants' resistance
to drought is suggested. The approach is demonstrated on example of grain plants by using …

Систематизація та вдосконалення методологічного забезпечення дослідження посухостійкості рослин

GS Rossihina, VY Popov - Biosystems Diversity, 2009 - ceeol.com
Запропоновано підхід до підвищення рівня формалізації процесу дослідження стійкості
рослин до посухи на прикладі математичного моделювання даного процесу стосовно …

Modelos de simulación para cereales forrajeros en el sur de Nuevo León, México

MR Arvizu, HD Solís, EA García, RL Trujillo… - Revista …, 2010 - revistaagraria.com
El uso de modelos de simulación en la agricultura es una alternativa en la toma de
decisiones para reducir los costos de investigación, y ayudar a reducir los riesgos …

Modelos de simulación para cereales forrajeros, en el sur de Nuevo León, México.

M Rodríguez Arvizu, H Díaz Solís, E Aizpuru García… - 2008 - sidalc.net
" Los modelos de simulación o predicción son una alternativa para minimizar los costos de
investigación y reducir los riesgos económicos y de producción. Sirven para representar las …