Multimodal whole brain registration: MRI and high resolution histology

M Alegro, E Amaro-Jr, B Loring… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 -
Three-dimensional brain imaging through cutting-edge MRI technology allows assessment
of physical and chemical tissue properties at sub-millimeter resolution. In order to improve …

Using curve-fitting of curvilinear features for assessing registration of clinical neuropathology with in vivo MRI

P Laissue, C Kenwright, A Hojjat… - Medical Image Computing …, 2008 - Springer
Traditional neuropathological examination provides information about neurological disease
or injury of a patient at a high-resolution level. Correlating this type of post mortem diagnosis …

Registro de imagens de histologia e ressonância magnética: aplicação em imagens do encéfalo

MC Alegro - 2014 -
Apesar dos avanços recentes na tecnologia dos aparelhos de ressonância magnética (RM)
permitirem a aquisição de imagens de alta resolução, ainda não é possível delinear de …

[引用][C] Correlation coefficient measure of mono and multimodal brain image registration using fast Walsh Hadamard transform

D Sasikala, R Neelaveni - International Journal of Engineering and …, 2011 - IACSIT Press