Whether Islam is compatible with democracy is an increasingly asked question, but ultimately a misguided one. In this book, Asef Bayat proposes that democratic ideals have …
" If one organization is synonymous with keeping hope alive, even as a faint glimmer in the darkness of a prison, it is Amnesty International. Amnesty has been the light, and that light …
RH Williams - The Blackwell companion to social movements, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
That the study of social movements and collective action in the US took a ''cultural turn''beginning in the 1980s is not news. One can chart culture's popularity in the recent …
Many US Christians were profoundly moved by the liberation struggles in Central America in the 1980s. Most learned about the situation from missionaries who had worked in the area …
A Bayat - International Journal of Urban and Regional …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
There is a commonplace but powerful argument that links the religious resurgence in the Muslim world to the urban ecology of overcrowded slums in the large cities. Poverty and …
This book offers a new and fresh approach to understanding social movements. It provides interdisciplinary perspectives on social and cultural protest and contentious politics. It …
Buku terjemahan dari Asef Bayat ini berusaha untuk mengetengahkan wacana terkait POS- ISLAMISME yang masih menjadi sebuah terminologi baru bagi fenomena baru pada tingkat …
D Wilkins - Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The 2015 release of Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment—Laudato Si'—was met with widespread praise by many who hoped this document would spur Catholics around the …
In May 1998, John Joseph, the first native Pakistani Catholic bishop, shot himself in front of the courthouse where a Christian had been sentenced to death for blasphemy. This book …