CP Carmona, M Pärtel - Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The species pool specific for a site includes all species from the region that are theoretically able to live in the site's particular ecological conditions. The absent portion of …
J Fujinuma, M Pärtel - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Locally observed biodiversity always consists of only a fraction of its site‐specific species pool. Why some suitable species are absent, shaping dark diversity of that site, is a basic yet …
AH Andersen, KK Clausen, S Normand, T Vikstrøm… - Oecologia, 2023 - Springer
The exploration of factors and processes affecting biodiversity loss is central to nature management and wildlife conservation, but only recently has knowledge about the absence …
When restoring habitat for biodiversity, the most effective outcome will be achieved by restoration projects which target several organism groups or ecosystem types. Such …
Defining the species pool of a community is crucial for many types of ecological analyses, providing a foundation to metacommunity, null modelling or dark diversity frameworks. It is a …
Understanding biodiversity changes in the Anthropocene (eg due to climate and land‐use change) is an urgent ecological issue. This important task is challenging because global …
Habitat degradation and fragmentation are recognized as major causes of biodiversity loss, and effective management to conserve habitats is highly dependent on our ability to assess …
Species distribution models often fail to predict observed patterns of species diversity, and this is because some species within a regional pool that are tolerant of conditions at a given …
DarkDivNet is a global research collaboration which explores dark diversity—the set of species that are absent from a site despite being suitable under the site conditions and …