AD Mawardhi, D Setiadi - Seminar Nasional Lahan …, 2019 -
Arah pengembangan pertanian di Indonesia mulai beralih dari lahan subur ke lahan suboptimal, salah satunya lahan gambut. Indonesia memiliki lahan gambut seluas 14, 9 juta …
DN Amalia, R Ningsih - Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial …, 2021 -
The productivity of liberica coffee which continues to increase will increase opportunities for the development of liberica coffee agroindustry in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. One of …
Research on how shade trees affects growth and development of liberica coffee is still limited. Liberica coffee shade trees can take advantage from other plantation plants that are …
One of the advantages and knowledge possessed by local communities in various parts of Indonesia is the use of local ecology-based agroforestry systems. This study uses a …
SR Prastyaningsih, S Hardiwinoto… - IOP Conference Series …, 2019 -
There are 2 million hectares of tropical peatland that are critical and must be restored by the Indonesian Government to reduce the greenhouse effect until 2020. The clear-cutting of peat …
H Syofya, A Ayunilaras - JURNAL ILMIAH EDUNOMIKA, 2024 -
Agriculture is an important sector for Indonesia. Because around 30% of the population works in the agricultural industry. Based on data from the United States Department of …
IL Tarigan, S Munawaroh, M Latief - Coffee Science-ISSN …, 2023 -
Innovations in adding spices to coffee are developing and many are being carried out to obtain new aromas and tastes as well as to enrich the properties of coffee so that it becomes …
7. Ibu, kakak serta keluarga di rumah yang selalu memberi doa dan dukungan, baik riil maupun materiil selama proses penelitian. 8. Siska Emelda Putri, Retno Indarti, Nur Laily …