S Hultqvist, I Nørup - Journal of Poverty and Social …, 2017 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
The Scandinavian countries have a long history of active labour market policy, using activation to promote work among those with no problems besides unemployment. However …
S Betzelt, S Bothfeld - German Policy Studies/Politikfeldanalyse, 2011 - researchgate.net
Policies focusing on the transition between housework or care and paid employment are inextricably connected with equal employment policies. Since the creation of the European …
M Nelson - NEUJOBS State of the art report, 2012 - academia.edu
A litmus test of any welfare state today lies in its ability to sustain high employment levels. High employment helps reduce budgetary pressure on governments and, particularly due to …
It is widely acknowledged that immigration–and integration policies in the Scandinavian countries differ in several ways: Denmark is known for its very harsh tone and many rigorous …
S Bothfeld, S Betzelt - Nantes, Paper presented at the Congrès …, 2013 - academia.edu
Although paid employment has always remained the main route to social security, social rights represent a necessary precondition for citizens' social and political participation in …
M Zoppi - Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2018 - rivisteweb.it
The 1970s initiated a period of restructuring of welfare policies in Scandinavian countries that would create the conditions to reduce welfare state's public responsibility. The …
This dissertation is an investigation of young European Union (EU) citizens' experiences of free mobility in precarious labour conditions. It seeks to understand situations in which …
Abstract Based on the 1951 Refugee Convention, traditional conceptions of refugees typically referred to the politically active male persecuted for his obstructive acts against a …
H Döring, P Manow, GC Nahrung, A Kaasch, P Starke… - strengmann-kuhn.de
Das Zentrum für Sozialpolitik (ZeS) ist ein For schungsinstitut der Universität Bremen. Es ist national wie internatio nal vernetzt und präsent in der regiona len, nationalen und internatio …