Wer heute den Fernseher einschaltet, ist vermutlich hin und her gerissen zwischen zwei sich widersprechenden Erfahrungen. Immer wieder scheint inmitten des dicht geknüpften Bilder …
Klassiker der Soziologie der Künste: Prominente und bedeutende Ansätze Klassiker der Soziologie der Künste Christian Steuerwald Hrsg. Prominente und bedeutende Ansätze Kunst …
Any account of photography today comes up with what Joanna Zylinska has aptly referred to as the “mathematical sublime”—the hundreds of millions of photos uploaded to Facebook …
Ü Çimen - Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2020 - academia.edu
Bu kitap çalışması, Fransız felsefesinin önde gelen simalarından olan Jean Baudrillard'ın iletişim kuramını açıklamayı saiklemiştir. Entelektüel yaşamının büyük bir bölümünü mevcut …
G Coulter - The Routledge Companion to Photography Theory, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Coulter offers an alternative view of Baudrillard's thinking by focusing on his photography “as a kind of visual theorization of the world.” Suggesting that Baudrillard conceived …
JJ Haladyn - International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, 2006 - openresearch.ocadu.ca
IJBS - Netscape Page 1 OCAD University Open Research Repository Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences 2006 Baudrillard’s photography: A hyperreal disappearance into the object …
The Postcard's Radical Openness offers a groundbreaking exploration of what this multifaceted, double-sided open card entails and how it has affected our being in the world …
Examining historical, clinical, and artistic material, in both written and visual form, this book traces the figure of the contemporary hysteric as she rebels against the impossible demands …
In this study, systematic reflection in professional practice is seen as a dynamic process towards socio-political action, negating a navel-gazing critique. Positioned within nursing …