Spiritual formation in our local churches is too often poorly done or it is virtually nonexistent. We developed this innovative approach to spiritual formation in the congregation because it …
M Hutasoit - Jurnal Teologi Anugerah, 2023 - ejurnal.methodist.ac.id
Pusat atau sentral kehidupan Kristen adalah kasih. Paulus dalam 1 Korintus 13, mengatakan “Sekalipun aku dapat berkata-kata dengan semua bahasa manusia dan …
For the last twelve years I have served as the District Leader of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry (SDMI) on the Intermountain District Church of the Nazarene. The …
M Maddix, G Andrews - Christian education journal, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The field of neuroscience and religion continues to explode as researchers seek to understand religious experiences in the brain. Studies in religious experience, called …
While stress is inevitable in ministry leadership, excessive stress can lead to burnout. Pastors who experience burnout causes harmful effects on their loved ones. Burnout also …
The intent of this thesis is to examine the nature of discipleship in the Wesleyan tradition and to understand how transformative learning theory (TLT), a field in contemporary adult …
Nagaland is one of the only Christian majority states in India. In the mid-1900, conversion to Christianity was very fast. Those were also the decades when the Naga political struggle for …
Abstract ecent trends reveal the sharpest decline in Church attendance in the Greater Hartford area has occurred within the population known as the Millennials. A question that is …
Congregations often find it difficult to define their purpose, but even more when they are a merged congregation of two different mainline Protestant denominations. Theology, polity …