Arnold conjecture and Morava K-theory

M Abouzaid, AJ Blumberg - arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.01507, 2021 -
We prove that the rank of the cohomology of a closed symplectic manifold with coefficients in
a field of characteristic $ p $ is smaller than the number of periodic orbits of any non …

Real topological Hochschild homology

E Dotto, K Moi, I Patchkoria, SP Reeh - Journal of the European …, 2020 -
This paper interprets Hesselholt and Madsen's real topological Hochschild homology functor
THR in terms of the multiplicative norm construction. We show that THR satisfies cofinality …

Some finiteness results for groups of automorphisms of manifolds

A Kupers - Geometry & Topology, 2019 -
We prove that in dimension≠ 4, 5, 7 the homology and homotopy groups of the classifying
space of the topological group of diffeomorphisms of a disk fixing the boundary are finitely …

Homological stability of topological moduli spaces

M Krannich - Geometry & Topology, 2019 -
Given a graded E 1–module over an E 2–algebra in spaces, we construct an augmented
semi-simplicial space up to higher coherent homotopy over it, called its canonical resolution …

The Alexander trick for homology spheres

S Galatius, O Randal-Williams - … Mathematics Research Notices, 2024 -
Alexander Trick for Homology Spheres | International Mathematics Research Notices | Oxford
Academic Skip to Main Content Advertisement Oxford Academic Journals Books Search Menu …

K-theory of Hermitian Mackey functors, real traces, and assembly

E Dotto, C Ogle - Annals of K-Theory, 2019 -
We define a ℤ∕ 2-equivariant real algebraic K-theory spectrum KR (A), for every ℤ∕ 2-
equivariant spectrum A equipped with a compatible multiplicative structure. This construction …

A homological approach to pseudoisotopy theory. I

M Krannich - Inventiones mathematicae, 2022 - Springer
We construct a zig–zag from the once delooped space of pseudoisotopies of a closed 2 n-
disc to the once looped algebraic K-theory space of the integers and show that the maps …

A Context for Manifold Calculus

K Arakawa - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.03321, 2024 -
We develop Weiss's manifold calculus in the setting of $\infty $-categories, where we allow
the target $\infty $-category to be any $\infty $-category with small limits. We will establish …

On the edge of the stable range

R Hepworth - Mathematische Annalen, 2020 - Springer
We prove a general homological stability theorem for certain families of groups equipped
with product maps, followed by two theorems of a new kind that give information about the …

Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds, I

M Palmer - Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2021 -
A well-known property of unordered configuration spaces of points (in an open, connected
manifold) is that their homology stabilises as the number of points increases. We generalise …