Masyithoh D, Kentjonowaty I, Salleh SM, Ustadi, Agussalim, Nastain FS. 2023. Evaluation of body weight and morphometric characteristics of the young queen of Apis cerana javana at …
B Rutschmann - 2023 -
The original habitat of native European honey bees (\(Apis\)\(mellifera\)) is forest, but currently there is a lack of data about the occurrence of wild honey bee populations in …
Masyithoh D, Kentjonowaty I, Salleh SM, Ustadi, Agussalim, Nastain FS. 2023. Evaluation of body weight and morphometric characteristics of the young queen of Apis cerana javana at …
Apis mellifera mellifera, the only native honeybee subspecies in Ireland and referred to locally as the “Black bee”, was once feared extinct in the wild. The subspecies has …