Re-animator: Versatile high-fidelity storage-system tracing and replaying

IU Akgun, G Kuenning, E Zadok - … of the 13th ACM International Systems …, 2020 -
Modern applications use storage systems in complex and often surprising ways. Tracing
system calls is a common approach to understanding applications' behavior, allowing offline …

Using Machine Learning to Improve Operating Systems' I/O Subsystems

IU Akgun - 2022 -
Despite the ever-changing nature of computing systems, operating systems and storage
systems are still following the architectures, algorithms, and structures built decades ago …

[PDF][PDF] Beefs: Um sistema de arquivos distribuıdo posix barato e eficiente para redes locais

C Souza, AC Lacerda, J Silva, T Pereira… - SBRC 2010-Salao de …, 2010 -
BeeFS is a distributed file system that harnesses the free disk space of machines already
deployed in the LAN. Like some special-purpose rack-aware file systems, it uses a hybrid …

[PDF][PDF] Re-Animator: Versatile High-Fidelity System-Call Tracing and Replaying

IU Akgun - 2019 -
Modern applications are complex and difficult to understand. One approach to investigating
their characteristics is system-call tracing: captured traces can be analyzed to gain insight, or …

[引用][C] Computaçao intensiva em dados com MapReduce em ambientes oportunistas

JW Silva, TE Pereira, C de Araújo Souza, F Brasileiro - Anais do XXIX SBRC, 2011