[PDF][PDF] School factors related to dropout from primary and secondary education in Serbia: A qualitative research

N Simić, K Krstić - Psihološka istraživanja, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Dropping out of educational system is a serious individual, familial, educational and social
problem. It is a complex process influenced by a large number of factors. Nevertheless, it is a …

Familial and individual reasons for student dropout: Schools' perception

M Videnović, LB Lazarević - Psihološka istraživanja, 2017 - scindeks.ceon.rs
The main objective of the research was to identify individual and familial factors students cite
as the reasons for dropping out of school or being at the risk of doing so. We interviewed a …

Social factors outside of family and school related to student dropout

II Stepanović, LB Lazarević, N Simić - Psihološka istraživanja, 2017 - scindeks.ceon.rs
The paper presents a systematisation of broader social factors affecting student dropout in
Serbia from the framework of Bronfenbrenner's approach. Although recognised by authors …

Developing the early warning system for identification of students at risk of dropping out using a collaborative action research process

O Jovanović, L Plazinić, J Joksimović… - Psihološka …, 2017 - ceeol.com
The collected data has been used to highlight the students who are beginning to exhibit
warning signs that could become obstacles to graduation, as well as to craft meaningful …

Familial and individual reasons for student dropout: schools' perception1

M Videnović, LB Lazarević - psihološka istraživanja - ceeol.com
The main objective of the research was to identify individual and familial factors students cite
as the reasons for dropping out of school or being at the risk of doing so. We interviewed a …

Значај школовања деце у болничким условима из перспективе учитеља, родитеља и здравствених радника

Д Ранковић - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Школе у болницама поред терапеутског деловања имају и функцију социјализације и
реинтеграције ученика у окружење матичне школе по повратку са болничког лечења …

Стереотипи Наставника О Ученицима Из Маргиналних Група: Провера Дводимензионалног Модела

ОС Јовановић - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Упркос свепрожимајућим неједнакостима у друштву, људи теже да постојећи
друштвени систем доживе као праведан и легитиман. Значајну улогу у овом процесу …

[PDF][PDF] School factors related to dropout from primary and secondary education in Serbia–a qualitative research1

N Simić, K Krstić - researchgate.net
Dropping out of educational system is a serious individual, familial, educational and social
problem. It is a complex process influenced by a large number of factors. Nevertheless, it is a …

Social factors outside of family and school related to student dropout1, 2

IS Ilić, LB Lazarević, N Simić - psihološka istraživanja - ceeol.com
The paper presents a systematisation of broader social factors affecting student dropout in
Serbia from the framework of Bronfenbrenner's approach. Although recognised by authors …

Razvijanje sistema za rano prepoznavanje učenika koji su u riziku od osipanja iz obrazovnog sistema kroz saradničko akciono istraživanje

O Jovanović, L Plazinić, J Joksimović… - Psihološka …, 2017 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
U radu su predstavljeni nalazi saradničkog akcionog istraživanja koje je imalo za cilj
ispitivanje i opisivanje procesa izgradnje sistema za rano prepoznavanje i podršku …