The concept of the chapter The future and the strategy of the development of poultry production show the results obtained in analyzing the state and achievements of poultry …
Sažetak Svrha ekološke poljoprivrede je proizvodnja hrane sa svrhom zaštite zdravlja ljudi, prirode i okoliša te krajnjeg korisnika. Cilj rada je analiza okruženja i važnijih karakteristika …
Sažetak U radu je analizirana ekološka proizvodnja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istaknute su predanosti i nedostaci ekološke poljoprivrede. Ekološka poljoprivredna proizvodnja u …
Sažetak The purpose of organic production is to protect human health, nature and the environment, as well as end users.. The aim of the paper is to analyze the environment and …
V Falan, A Mujcinovic, M Makaš, A Rustempašic… - 2021 -
Poultry production in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the strongest and one of the most advanced branches of agriculture from a technological point of view. Evidence suggests that …
M Milojević, A Milošević - EKOREMEDIJACIJA, 2019 -
Achieving the sustainability of agro-ecosystems in any form is the background to a number of issues that have been addressed in recent years. Farm, in open or closed form, is one of …