VP Korzhik - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2022 - Elsevier
We give a more simple proof of the Map Color Theorem for nonorientable surfaces that uses only four constructions of current graphs instead of 12 constructions used in the previous …
V Korzhik - Available at SSRN 4741576 - papers.ssrn.com
We show that the number of nonisomorphic (both orientable and nonorientable) triangular embeddings of $ K_n $, $ n\equiv 0$ or $1\pmod {3} $, $ n\geq 6$, is less than the number …
Until recently there were no results on the orientable or nonorientable genus of graphs K n+ K m¯ for n/2≤ m< n− 1. Recently, using index one current graphs, McCourt (2014) …