NH Rochmah, A Munir - QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer …, 2023 - journals2.ums.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to find out the method of interpreting the book of Tafsir At-Tanwir, how to interpret the verses about philanthropy in Tafsir At-Tanwir, and the contextualization …
ACA Suparmun, I Naska - QiST: Journal of Quran and …, 2024 - journals2.ums.ac.id
Abstract Tafsir At-Tanwir, the progressive interpretations in it cannot be separated from Muhammadiyah's collective identity. The logical consequence of efforts to understand the …
Islam adalah agama rahmatal lil'ālamīn yang hadir membawa misi kemanusiaan. Disyariatkannya kewajiban zakat, infak, sedekah, hingga kurban merupakan ajaran agama …
ANF Ramadhan - QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies, 2022 - journals2.ums.ac.id
Abstract Tafsir At-Tanwir Muhammadiyah began with its publication in Suara Muhammadiyah magazine. Then, Tafsir At-Tanwir was published by conducting an online …
M Iqbal - MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 2023 - jurnalmiqotojs.uinsu.ac.id
Studi tentang peran organisasi Islam di Indonesia dalam kajian tafsir belum banyak dilakukan para peneliti. Padahal, kajian ini menarik dilakukan mengingat pengaruh …
ES Baihaki - Quran and Hadith Studies, 2020 - core.ac.uk
Humans are God's perfect creatures equipped with various abilities, not only physical but also spiritual. Humans are equipped with the potential and strength that can make it …
20. yüzyılda ortaya çıkan Endonezce tefsir literatürünü 1912 yılında Kiai Hacı Ahmed Dahlân (1868-1923) tarafından Yogyagarta şehrinde kurulan Muhammediyye Cemiyyeti'nin …
Tafsir at-Tanwir adalah tafsir resmi kelembagaan yang ditulis oleh Organisasi Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembaharuan yang dibawa …
Penelitian ini menjelaskan genealogi tafsir Muhammadiyah lintas periode berupa perubahan corak serta pengaruh tokoh pemimpin terhadap perkembangan tafsir …