[图书][B] Queer theory now: From foundations to futures

H McCann, W Monaghan - 2019 - books.google.com
This short textbook provides an introduction to queer theory, exploring its key genealogies
and terms as well as its application across various academic disciplines and to …

[图书][B] Biometrics: Bodies, technologies, biopolitics

J Pugliese - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Biometric technologies, such as finger-or facial-scan, are being deployed across a variety of
social contexts in order to facilitate and guarantee identity verification and authentication. In …

[图书][B] Biopolitics of the More-than-human: Forensic Ecologies of Violence

J Pugliese - 2020 - books.google.com
In Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human Joseph Pugliese examines the concept of the
biopolitical through a nonanthropocentric lens, arguing that more-than-human entities—from …

No-bodies: Law, raciality and violence

D Ferreira da Silva - Griffith Law Review, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
When has it become a matter of fact—more than evidence, and yet not a self-evident 'truth'—
that a (perhaps never to be known) number of young males and females perish as subjects …


S Stryker - Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2014 - read.dukeupress.edu
This section includes eighty-six short original essays commissioned for the inaugural issue
of TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Written by emerging academics, community-based …

[图书][B] Digital media ecologies: Entanglements of content, code and hardware

S Taffel - 2019 - books.google.com
Our digital world is often described using terms such as immateriality and virtuality. The
discourse of cloud computing is the latest in a long line of nebulous, dematerialising tropes …

[图书][B] The biopolitics of mixing: Thai multiracialities and haunted ascendancies

J Haritaworn - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Debates over who belongs in Europe and who doesn't increasingly speak the language of
mixing, but how are the figures commonly described as' mixed'actually embodied? The …

Ninguém: direito, racialidade e violência

DF da Silva - Meritum, revista de Direito da Universidade FUMEC, 2014 - revista.fumec.br
Quando é que se tornou uma trivialidade–mais do que uma evidência, mas ainda não uma
“verdade” óbvia–o fato de que um número considerável (cuja dimensão talvez nunca seja …

No-bodies: law, raciality and violence

DF Da Silva - Meritum, Revista de Direito da Universidade FUMEC, 2014 - revista.fumec.br
Quando é que se tornou uma trivialidade–mais do que uma evidência, mas ainda não uma
“verdade” óbvia–o fato de que um número considerável (cuja dimensão talvez nunca seja …

[图书][B] Posthuman capitalism: Dancing with data in the digital economy

Y Ibrahim - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Posthuman Capitalism critically reviews the manifestation of capitalist agenda online by
examining the phenomenon of the 'posthuman'in the data economy. The chapters examine …