The paper presents three different projections of the future number of Sámi language users in Norway based on the contemporary number of children receiving instruction in Sámi in …
Abstract Language planning and policy (LPP), as a field of research, emerged to solve the “problem” of multilingualism in newly independent nation-states. LPP's principal emphasis …
This manuscript-based thesis explores the role and impact of relational technology, strength- based language education, and community-led language planning and policy research in a …
Abstract Language revitalization efforts worldwide aim to reverse the decline of languages endangered and threatened by ongoing colonialism, imperialism, and assimilatory …
Статья дает короткий обзор актуального состояния кильдинского саамского языка, уделяя особое внимание разрешению в 2017 г. многолетнего спора о разных …