World history has expanded dramatically in recent years, primarily as a teaching field, and increasingly as a research field. Growing numbers of teachers and Ph. Ds in history are …
Popular representations of Pakistan's North West Frontier have long featured simplistic images of tribal blood feuds, fanatical religion, and the seclusion of women. The rise to …
International relations scholars typically expect political communities to resemble one another the more they are exposed to pressures of war, economic competition and the …
Taking the plane or sending an e-mail: globalization has become part of the fabric of our daily lives. And yet it is often seen as an impersonal force that is threatening to destroy …
Wolfgang Knöbl unterzieht in diesem Buch die aktuellen soziologischen Großtheorien einer kritischen Analyse. Vor diesem Hintergrund arbeitet er insbesondere die Relevanz …
For the last twenty years or so, archaeologists of Roman Britain, among other provinces, have been seeking ways of moving beyond the concept of 'Romanisation'as a framework for …
Niumi, a small, little-known territory located on the bank of the Gambia River in West Africa, is seemingly far from the reaches of world historical events. And yet the outside world has …
T Duve - Rechtsgeschichte-Legal History Rg, 2012 -
Mit der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte verfügt die Rechtsgeschichte seit vielen Jahrzehnten über eine Tradition transnationaler rechtshistorischer Forschung. Sie wurde …
Historians today like to preach the virtues of comparison and cross-national work. In the last decade, cross-national histories have prospered, yielding important work in the subjects as …