There is a need to develop water quality thresholds for dredging near coral reefs that can relate physical pressures to biological responses and define exposure conditions above …
Unprecedented development along tropical shorelines is causing severe degradation of coral reefs primarily from increases in sedimentation. Sediment particles smother reef …
In recent decades, coral reef ecosystems have declined to the extent that reefs are now threatened globally. While many water quality parameters have been proposed to contribute …
We investigated the mechanisms leading to rapid death of corals when exposed to runoff and resuspended sediments, postulating that the killing was microbially mediated …
E Philipp, K Fabricius - Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 2003 - Elsevier
Effects of short-term sedimentation on common coastal coral species were investigated in laboratory and field experiments on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) using pulse-amplitude …
B Riegl, GM Branch - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 1995 - Elsevier
The physiological reactions to sediment of four scleractinia and five alcyonacea from South Africa were observed in the laboratory. Species tested were Favia favus Forskal, Favites …
Background Management actions that address local-scale stressors on coral reefs can rapidly improve water quality and reef ecosystem condition. In response to reef managers …
R Babcock, P Davies - Coral reefs, 1991 - Springer
Sedimentation is assumed to affect communities of reef-building corals by inhibiting larval settlement, however there has been no quantitative evidence to support this supposition …
Estuarine mud, when resuspended in nutrient-rich near-shore water, aggregates to marine snow, and within minutes to hours can exert detrimental or even lethal effects on small coral …