[图书][B] Video-based analysis of mathematics classroom practice: Examples from Finland and Iceland

LT Savola - 2008 - search.proquest.com
The method of video analysis can be effective in pedagogical research. With insightful
coding schemes, video analysis can generate valuable evidence in the study of the …

Understanding mathematical giftedness: Integrating self, action repertoires and the environment

SN Phillipson, R Callingham - International handbook on giftedness, 2009 - Springer
A modern conceptualization of mathematical giftedness must take into account different
cultural views of the nature of mathematics as well as conform to Ziegler and Heller's (2000) …

Námshegðun leiðtoga í unglingabekk í ljósi rannsókna og kenninga um menningarauðmagn

BR Magnúsdóttir - 2006 - skemman.is
Bourdieu leitaðist við að skýra misgóðan námsárangur og ólíka námshegðun nemenda með
kenningum sínum um menningarlegt auðmagn. Sumir fræðimenn telja að ráðandi skilningur …

Walls, seats and the gymnasium: a social-material ethnography on gendered school space in an Icelandic compulsory school

B Þrastardóttir, IÁ Jóhannesson… - Ethnography and …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on how students make use of different spaces in one compulsory school
in Iceland and how gender is produced through activities in these spaces. Ethnographic …

Exploring gender factors related to PISA 2003 results in Iceland: a youth interview study

OB Steinthorsdottir, B Sriraman - ZDM, 2008 - Springer
Students' mathematical achievement in Iceland, as reported in PISA 2003, showed
significant and (by comparison) unusual gender differences in mathematics: Iceland was the …

“The day the gender system collapses will be a good day”: Students' memories of being girls or boys

Þ Þórðardóttir, SH Lárusdóttir - Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun, 2016 - ojs.hi.is
This article draws on research carried out at the School of Education, University of Iceland.
First year teacher students were asked to document their first memories of being girls or …

Commentary 2 on feminist pedagogy and mathematics

S Bulut, BS Gür, B Sriraman - Theories of mathematics education: Seeking …, 2009 - Springer
Jacobs points out the fact that culture and socioeconomic circumstances affect the
mathematics education of individuals. Accordingly, girls' mathematics achievement shows …

Útvalin og úrvals: Stofnanaháttur elítuskóla og vegferð stúdentsefna í Reykjavík og Helsinki

BR Magnúsdóttir, S Kosunen - Netla, 2024 - ojs.hi.is
Vegferð ungs fólks til fullorðinsára í gegnum framhalds-og háskólakerfið er ferli sem mótar
sjálfsmynd þeirra, möguleika og stöðu meðal jafningja. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að …

[PDF][PDF] Iceland and rural/urban girls-PISA 2003 examined from an emancipatory viewpoint

OB Steinthorsdóttir, B Sriraman - International Perspectives on Social …, 2007 - academia.edu
Scholarly research related to gender and mathematics is not as frequently published as it
was in the 1980's and the 1990's. In Lubienski's (2000) survey of Mathematical Education …

[PDF][PDF] Femínismi og kvennahreyfingar

SH Lárusdóttir - í skólastarfi, 2005 - academia.edu
Hver einasta stúlka flarf á unga aldri, engu sí› ur en karlma› urinn, a› hugsa sér sjálfa sig
sjálfstæ› a, starfandi veru, sem fær sé til a› afla sjálfri sér lífsvi› urværis og jafnvel veita ö› …