Training emergency responders through augmented reality mobile interfaces

M Sebillo, G Vitiello, L Paolino, A Ginige - Multimedia Tools and …, 2016 - Springer
In the domain of emergency management, in addition to the constant technical skill-upgrade
required by the nature of the humanitarian context, the importance of an appropriate training …

Location based parental control-child tracking app using android mobile operating system

P Kumar, M Raghul - 2018 4th International Conference on …, 2018 -
In modern era Location based services (LBS) are emerging applications in mobile data
services due to the rapid growth in wireless communication and location based positioning …

Spatial data and mobile applications: general solutions for interface design

A Ginige, M Romano, M Sebillo, G Vitiello… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
Nowadays, spatial data are totally widespread in mobile applications. They are present in
games, map applications, web community applications and office automations. However this …

Tag@ map: a web-based application for visually analyzing geographic information through georeferenced tag clouds

D De Chiara, V Del Fatto, M Sebillo, G Tortora… - Web and Wireless …, 2012 - Springer
In their activities of monitoring a territory and its spatio-temporal phenomena, decision
makers often face problems which require rapid solutions in spite of the complexity of …

Spatial data visualization on mobile interface-A usability study

L Paolino, M Romano, G Tortora… - 2013 9th International …, 2013 -
The widespread use of mobile devices in basic map navigation tasks has recently attracted
researchers on usability problems arising from the reduced visualization area and the …

The use of augmented reality interfaces for on-site crisis preparedness

M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello, L Paolino… - … LCT 2015, Held as Part of …, 2015 - Springer
The importance of an appropriate training is widely recognized in the domain of emergency
management. The goal of an efficient and effective humanitarian emergency response can …

[PDF][PDF] Geomarketing Policies and Augmented Reality for Advertisement Delivery on Mobile Devices.

D De Chiara, P Di Giovanni, M Sebillo, G Tortora… - DMS, 2011 - Citeseer
Modern mobile devices have become real personal computers, that increase the ability of
building/extending existing applications by combining several technologies such as camera …

From GeoVisualization to visual-analytics: methodologies and techniques for human-information discourse

D De Chiara - 2012 -
The objective of our research is to give support to decision makers when facing problems
which require rapid solutions in spite of the complexity of scenarios under investigation. In …

Designing usable mobile interfaces for spatial data

M Romano - 2012 -
This dissertation deals mainly with the discipline of Human-‐Computer Interaction (HCI),
with particular attention on the role that it plays in the domain of modern mobile devices …

A Mobile Visual Technique to Support Civil Protection in Risk Analysis

L Paolino, M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello… - … Science and Its …, 2014 - Springer
The importance of the territory defense is becoming a more and more important activity of
national civil defense agencies. In our research we describe a participatory design process …