Weather forecasting has gained researchers from worldwide societies over decades due to its substantial impact on global human life from agriculture, air traffic control to public health …
More than 20% of global liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and almost all of Qatar's drinking water production originate from three industrial sites on Qatar's eastern coast. They …
Coastal Sabkhas are mudflats found in arid coastal regions that are located within the supratidal zone when high rates of evaporation lead to high salinity. While evaporitic …
Corals in the Persian/Arabian Gulf are the most thermally tolerant in the world, but live very near the thresholds of their thermal tolerance. Warming sea temperatures associated with …
This study presents a comprehensive analysis of an extreme dust event recorded in the Arabian Peninsula and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) between 31 March and 3 April 2015 …
Abstract The Persian Gulf, hosting ca. 48% of the world's oil reserves, has been chronically exposed to natural oil seepage. Oil spill studies show a shift in microbial community …
The Arabian Gulf (also known as Persian Gulf, hereafter Gulf) is a shallow semi-enclosed subtropical sea known for its extreme physical environment. Recent observations suggest a …
The combined effect of climate change and steadily increasing seawater demand for industrial and domestic purposes in the Arabian Gulf region has a significant impact on the …
Direct studies of recent epeiric seawater chemistry and their geological significance are relatively few compared to the far more abundant studies from ancient epeiric marine …