When single layers of 2D materials are stacked on top of one another with a small twist in orientation, the resulting structure often involves incommensurate moiré patterns. In these …
The long-wavelength moiré superlattices in twisted 2D structures have emerged as a highly tunable platform for strongly correlated electron physics. We study the moiré bands in …
The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect combines topology and magnetism to produce precisely quantized Hall resistance at zero magnetic field. We report the observation of a …
Topological aspects of the electron wave function—including the Berry curvature and Chern number—play a crucial role in determining the physical properties of materials. Although the …
We show that moiré bands of twisted homobilayers can be topologically nontrivial, and illustrate the tendency by studying valence band states in±K valleys of twisted bilayer …
Moiré superlattices enable the generation of new quantum phenomena in two-dimensional heterostructures, in which the interactions between the atomically thin layers qualitatively …
Charge carriers in magic-angle graphene come in eight flavours described by a combination of their spin, valley and sublattice polarizations. When inversion and time-reversal …
Magnetism typically arises from the joint effect of Fermi statistics and repulsive Coulomb interactions, which favours ground states with non-zero electron spin. As a result, controlling …
We study a model of electrons moving in a parent band of uniform Berry curvature. At sufficiently high parent Berry curvature, we show that strong repulsive interactions …