Autonomous robots are increasingly placed in contexts that require them to interact with groups of people rather than just a single individual. Interactions with groups of people …
Robots are becoming increasingly omnipresent in our daily lives, supporting us and carrying out autonomous tasks. In Human-Robot Interaction, human actors benefit from …
A person's emotions and state of mind are apparent in their face and eyes. As a Latin proverb states:'The face is the portrait of the mind; the eyes, its informers'. This presents a …
In this paper we provide empirical evidence that using humanlike gaze cues during human- robot handovers can improve the timing and perceived quality of the handover event …
We present a systematic survey of computational research in humanrobot interaction (HRI) over the past decade. Computational HRI is the subset of the field that is specifically …
During conversations, speakers employ a number of verbal and nonverbal mechanisms to establish who participates in the conversation, when, and in what capacity. Gaze cues and …
Going beyond dyadic (one-to-one) interaction has been increasingly explored in HRI. Yet we lack a comprehensive view on non-dyadic interaction research in HRI. To map out 15 …
We conducted a 2x2 between-subjects experiment to examine the effects of two orientation and two gaze behaviors during group conversations for a mobile, low degree-of-freedom …
Intention recognition is the process of using behavioural cues, such as deliberative actions, eye gaze, and gestures, to infer an agent's goals or future behaviour. In artificial intelligence …