[HTML][HTML] Past, present, and future of customer engagement

WM Lim, T Rasul, S Kumar, M Ala - Journal of business research, 2022 - Elsevier
Customer engagement (CE) is a marketing concept that emerged after the new millennium.
Despite flourishing interest on CE among marketing academics and professionals, no …

Understanding social commerce: A systematic literature review and directions for further research

AH Busalim - International Journal of Information Management, 2016 - Elsevier
Web 2.0 technologies and social media gave a rise to social commerce as a new
phenomenon in the business world. Recently, social commerce gained a major attention …

Customer engagement behaviour on social commerce platforms: An empirical study

AH Busalim, F Ghabban - Technology in society, 2021 - Elsevier
Web 2.0 applications and social media have transformed e-commerce into a new business
paradigm, which is called social commerce. This development has changed the customers' …

[HTML][HTML] Solving the product uncertainty hurdle in social commerce: The mediating role of seller uncertainty

AS Al-Adwan, H Yaseen - International Journal of Information Management …, 2023 - Elsevier
Social commerce, which combines the transactional side of e-commerce with social
interactions, has grown in popularity throughout the last years. Despite the fact that the issue …

Analyzing the effect of social support and community factors on customer engagement and its impact on loyalty behaviors toward social commerce websites

S Molinillo, R Anaya-Sánchez… - Computers in Human …, 2020 - Elsevier
While research into customer engagement receives much attention, few studies have
examined why consumers engage in social commerce and the resulting consequences for …

The impact of anthropomorphism on consumers' purchase decision in chatbot commerce

MC Han - Journal of Internet Commerce, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Numerous businesses have employed chatbots with a human-like speaking ability to assist
customers with online shopping and customer service; however, it is uncertain whether or …

Live streaming commerce: Uses and gratifications approach to understanding consumers' motivations

J Cai, DY Wohn - 2019 - aisel.aisnet.org
In this paper, we introduce live streaming commerce–e-commerce integrated with real-time
social interaction via live streams. Using a uses and gratifications framework, we identified …

Investigating the antecedents of e-commerce satisfaction in social commerce context

RW Attar, M Shanmugam, N Hajli - British Food Journal, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Social media is still influencing consumers and is extending social commerce (S-
Commerce) use. Different social media activities can influence the users' trust and e …

The determinants of eWoM in social commerce: The role of perceived value, perceived enjoyment, trust, risks, and satisfaction

K Rouibah, N Al-Qirim, Y Hwang… - Journal of Global …, 2021 - igi-global.com
The influence of eWoM use for s-commerce in the context of Arab region remains
unexplored. To bridge this gap, this study develops a model for eWoM use for s-commerce …

The e-WOM intention of artificial intelligence (AI) color cosmetics among Chinese social media influencers

AE Simay, Y Wei, T Gyulavári, J Syahrivar… - Asia Pacific Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The recent advancements in smartphone technology and social media platforms
have increased the popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) color cosmetics. Meanwhile, China …