A survey of covert channels and countermeasures in computer network protocols

S Zander, G Armitage, P Branch - … Communications Surveys & …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Covert channels are used for the secret transfer of information. Encryption only protects
communication from being decoded by unauthorised parties, whereas covert channels aim …

Hardware information flow tracking

W Hu, A Ardeshiricham, R Kastner - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021 - dl.acm.org
Information flow tracking (IFT) is a fundamental computer security technique used to
understand how information moves through a computing system. Hardware IFT techniques …

[图书][B] Understanding modern banking ledgers through blockchain technologies: Future of transaction processing and smart contracts on the internet of money

GW Peters, E Panayi - 2016 - Springer
In this chapter we provide an overview of the concept of blockchain technology and its
potential to disrupt the world of banking through facilitating global money remittance, smart …

Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions

A Karpathy, L Fei-Fei - Proceedings of the IEEE conference on …, 2015 - cv-foundation.org
We present a model that generates natural language descriptions of images and their
regions. Our approach leverages datasets of images and their sentence descriptions to …

A survey of microarchitectural timing attacks and countermeasures on contemporary hardware

Q Ge, Y Yarom, D Cock, G Heiser - Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2018 - Springer
Microarchitectural timing channels expose hidden hardware states though timing. We survey
recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they …

Aff-wild: valence and arousal'In-the-Wild'challenge

S Zafeiriou, D Kollias, MA Nicolaou… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Abstract The Affect-in-the-Wild (Aff-Wild) Challenge proposes a new comprehensive
benchmark for assessing the performance of facial affect/behaviour analysis …

Deductive software verification-the key book

W Ahrendt, B Beckert, R Bubel, R Hähnle… - Lecture notes in …, 2016 - Springer
• There are IDEs for KeY, including an Eclipse extension, that make it easy to keep track of
proof obligations in larger projects [Hentschel et al., 2014c].• A stripped down version of …

Varys: Protecting {SGX} Enclaves from Practical {Side-Channel} Attacks

O Oleksenko, B Trach, R Krahn, M Silberstein… - 2018 Usenix Annual …, 2018 - usenix.org
Numerous recent works have experimentally shown that Intel Software Guard Extensions
(SGX) are vulnerable to cache timing and page table side-channel attacks which could be …

Taintdroid: an information-flow tracking system for realtime privacy monitoring on smartphones

W Enck, P Gilbert, S Han, V Tendulkar… - ACM Transactions on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Today's smartphone operating systems frequently fail to provide users with visibility into how
third-party applications collect and share their private data. We address these shortcomings …

Language-based information-flow security

A Sabelfeld, AC Myers - IEEE Journal on selected areas in …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Current standard security practices do not provide substantial assurance that the end-to-end
behavior of a computing system satisfies important security policies such as confidentiality …