What is the added value of preschool for poor children? Long-term and intergenerational impacts and interactions with an infant health intervention

M Rossin-Slater, M Wüst - American Economic Journal: Applied …, 2020 - aeaweb.org
We study the impact of preschool targeted at children from low-income families over the life
cycle and across generations, and examine its interaction with an infant health intervention …

Parents of the welfare state: Pedagogues as parenting guides

KI Dannesboe, B Kjær, C Palludan - Social Policy and Society, 2018 - cambridge.org
In Denmark, a process of defamilising has taken place since the expansion of the Early
Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector in the 1960s, in the sense that children now …

Academics as play and the social as discipline: school readiness in Denmark

B Kjær, D Bach, KI Dannesboe - International Journal of Early …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Denmark has a tradition of kindergarten pedagogy focused on children's play, sociality and
individual interests. Political emphasis on global competition, however, has led to reforms in …

The 'care crisis': its scientific framing and silences

HM Dahl - A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare …, 2021 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
The Nordic welfare regimes are often referred to as 'caring states'(Vabø and Szebehely,
2012), care-work-friendly (Wrede et al, 2008), social-democratic welfare regimes …

Viden der virker-en etnografisk undersøgelse af forbindelser mellem småbørnspædagogik og evidensbaseret metode

AM Buus - 2019 - ucviden.dk
Danish University Colleges Viden der virker - en etnografisk undersøgelse af forbindelser
mellem småbørnspædagogik og eviden Page 1 Danish University Colleges Viden der …

The state role in civilising childcare–comparing policy intentions with childcare in Brazil and Denmark

MØ Møller, G Lotta, G Thomazinho… - Journal of International …, 2023 - cambridge.org
It has become universal to claim a relationship between social cohesion and quality public
childcare. The more we invest in our children, the better the return later in life. We explore …

[PDF][PDF] Krise i velfærdsstaten: Hvordan holder vi på de velfærdsprofessionelle?

A Hansen, S Grøn, N Vaaben… - Tidsskrift for …, 2023 - portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk
Over de senere år er det blevet sværere at rekruttere og ikke mindst holde på
sygeplejersker, lærere, pædagoger, socialrådgivere, politifolk, jordemødre og andre …

Visions of the north-west: making a working-class neighbourhood in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1900–1950

CS Hansen - Scandinavian Journal of History, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Like so many European cities that developed city planning to handle urbanization and
industrialization in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the municipality of Copenhagen …

Pædagogik som fabrik: Kognitiv kapitalisme, levende viden og institutionel børnepasning

M Andersen - Dansk Sociologi, 2021 - rauli.cbs.dk
Resumé Denne artikel konceptualiserer det kulturanalytiske greb pædagogik som fabrik til
at indkapsle den historiske rationalisering og standardisering af viden indenfor …

[PDF][PDF] Center for Pædagogik

LSK Schmidt - ucviden.dk
Policy om trivsel og tilhør inden for børneområdet i dansk kontekst.............................................
39 Trivsel som policy-dagsorden–et nationalt anliggende 41 Måling som en del af …