Archaeology and the challenge of continuity: East-Central Europe during the Age of Migrations

E Hanscam - Koranyi, J./Hanscam, E., Digging Politics: The Ancient …, 2022 -
Since the late nineteenth century, archaeological research on the ancient past in East-
Central Europe has been impacted by the hunt for peoples assumed to be the one true …

Liburnians and Illyrian Lembs: Iron Age Ships of the Eastern Adriatic

L Boršić, I Radić Rossi, D Džino - 2021 -
Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring Project focused on the technological
development of shipbuilding and seafaring in the eastern Adriatic from prehistory to the …

Imagining the Ister/Danube in ancient thought and practice: river, the Scordisci, and creation of Roman imperialistic space

VD Mihajlović - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2018 -
The paper considers cultural and imaginative construction of the Ister/Danube, and its
implications in the creation of the limes area of the provinces of Moesia and (part of) …

Dea Dardanica: pre-rimska plemenska boginja ili rimska imperijalna tvorevina?

VD Mihajlović - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2016 -
Tekst problematizuje tumačenje Dea Dardanica, religijske pojave iz perioda Rimskog
carstva, koja je u tradicionalnoj perspektivi shvatana kao vrsta etno-plemenske boginje …

Idea or interpretation: forming the identity of Illyrians in early archaeological studies

A Kaljanac - Ars & Humanitas, 2023 -
In the national archaeologies formed after the dissolution of Yugoslavia there emerged new
reflections of old archaeological ideas, especially about the ethnogenesis and identity of the …

Diskontinuitet posmrtnih rituala u mlađoj praistoriji centralnog Balkana

Z Kuzmanović - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2017 -
Apstrakt: Imajući u vidu da je mlađa praistorija centralnog Balkana zasnovana skoro
isključivo na tumačenju arheoloških ostataka nalaženih u grobovima, namera ovog rada je …

Socioeconomic relations and identities in the Southeastern Adriatic Iron Age

M Dimitrijević - Godišnjak Centra za balkanološka ispitivanja, 2018 -
The focus of this paper is on the connections between socioeconomic relations and
collective identities in the Late Iron Age communities from the Southeastern Adriatic and its …

Biological Imperialism and Romanization: A Microevolutionary Analysis of Population Change in the Roman Adriatic

TN Loewen - 2024 -
This dissertation examines microevolutionary changes in the Eastern Adriatic and hinterland
during Roman imperialism, evaluating changing patterns of variation among indigenous …

Daorsi: Statsutvikling i Vest-Balkan fra jernalder til romersk tid

D Behram - 2022 -
In this thesis I investigate the development of complex societies in Western Balkans from
Iron Age to Roman period (ca. 750 BCE–100s CE) through a case study of one of the …

Arheologija u javnosti i medijima: kratak uvod u teorijske osnove dijaloga o nasleđu

I Vranić - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2014 -
Apstrakt: Arheološka praksa od nastanka discipline do danas pored mnogobrojnih
drugačijih definicija može da se razume i kao veoma kompleksan dijalog o nasleđu koji …